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Category: Positive Behaviour Support

Elcies proud to support 2024 SACID Conference

Elcies was proud to sponsor this year’s South Australian Council on Intellectual Disability’s Leading Through Inclusion Conference, which took place in Adelaide last week.   Held on June 6 and 7, the Leading Through Inclusion Conference is a place for people with intellectual disability to be seen, heard and understood.  This year’s theme was ‘My Health […]

International Day of People with Disability – Jared’s story

This Sunday, 3 December, is International Day of People with Disability (IDPwD), a day that promotes understanding, awareness and acceptance of people with disability in local communities.  Each year as we strive towards a society that is more inclusive and accepting of the 4.4 million Australians with disability, IDPwD chooses a theme or area where […]